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Stock market
The stock market section shows user's a stock chart and current price of company stock. The button in the top right corner of the chart takes the user to their stock information under their profile's Stock Market tab.
Performance review
The Performance reviews section contains a table list of all your performance reviews with their information. The table list has five columns in the following order: Type, Work position, Salary changed, Interviewer and Created at. You can filter this l...
The filters section, above a table, allows user's to apply custom filtering to the table. Filters for every field can be accessed by pressing the icon next to the field's name. Fields without the filter icon cannot be filtered by. Types of available fi...
Extend serial's warranty
By default, warranty is calculated automatically, based on fields on serials: Conditions, that apply are (warranty enabled): if serial is not sold (this is necessary to show correct data in calibrator) if sold serials do not need calibrations (image bel...
Run a scheduled job manually
Some scheduled jobs can be run manually from the ERP, if a need for that ever arises. Manual runs should not be the norm, as scheduled jobs are configured to auto-run atregular intervals. To run a scheduled job, go to scheduled job's edit page and look for th...
Generate holidays for year
This action requires the "create holiday" permission. Holidays can be added one at a time through the "Create new" form or they can be generated for the entire year through the "Add holidays for year" form. To generate holidays for a select year, first we ...
Cancel goods receipt
This action requires the "cancel goods receipt" permission. Goods receipt cannot be deleted directly, due to the stock transactions that are connected to them. Instead, they can be "canceled". When canceling a goods receipt, make sure that it is the receipt...
Cancel goods transfer
Goods transfers can be canceled by users with proper authorizations. Goods transfers cannot be deleted directly, due to the stock transactions that are connected to them. Instead, they can be "canceled". When canceling a goods transfer, make sure that it is...
Delete goods writeoff
Using tags
Tags are, in most cases, meant to inform, meaning they can be assigned to entries. Once assigned, they can also be used for filtering. Once tags are created, they can be assigned to entries through the "Tags" input. The selection only includes tags, that a...