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PaKing: Packing app
App, ki omogoča izvajanje packing procesa na preprost način po korakih. "Packing application f...
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Vacations - Dopusti
Za tiste, ki pridejo med letom in imajo zaposlitev za določen čas, sistem izračuna sorazmerni del...
Submitting a new attendance request
Update an existing announcement
This action requires the "update announcements" permission. Announcements in the ERP are simple...
Create a new announcement
This action requires the "create announcement" permission. To create a new announcement, you hav...
Delete announcement
This action requires the "delete announcements" permission. Check off the announcement that has...
Setting up new work equipment
1 - Add safety standards This action requires the "create safety standard" permission. If it do...
Create work equipment
Tags are used within the ERP to mark entries or to "tag" them as a certain thing for informationa...
Create a new tag
New tags can be added through the "Create new tag" form or with the "Tag editor" tool. Create f...