The documents page lists all ERP sections, currently used in the ERP. Users cannot add any new do...
Update existing document
This action requires the "update documents" permission. On the edit page, document's name and d...
Create new document
To add a new document into the ERP, contact your ERP's administrator.
Delete document
This action requires the "delete document" permission. To delete a document, select it with the ...
Document types
Document types are used in the ERP, to tell apart documents with different purposes, for example ...
Create new document type
This action requires the "create document type" permission. Creating a new document type require...
Update existing document types
This action requires the "update document type" permission. When updating a document type, all i...
Delete document types
For deletion of existing document types, contact your ERP's administrator.
Stock transactions
Scheduled jobs
Scheduled jobs are automated tasks, performed by the system through server commands. These "jobs"...
Create scheduled job
This task should be done only by developer administrators. To create a new scheduled job, you mu...
Update existing scheduled job
Existing scheduled jobs should only be updated by users with access to the code base. Viable u...
Delete scheduled job
Scheduled jobs should ONLY be deleted by administrators with access to the code base. If a sched...
Run a scheduled job manually
Some scheduled jobs can be run manually from the ERP, if a need for that ever arises. Manual runs...
Custom actions scheduled job
Scheduled jobs can invoke on existing commands from inside of ERP code. To fix this there is a c...
Event actions
Event actions are tasks, automatically performed by the system, when a set of defined conditions ...
Create new event action
This action requires the "create event action" permission. To add a new event action, navigate t...
Update existing event action
Existing event actions should currently never be updated by anyone else but the developers. When ...
Delete event action
Existing event action should never be deleted, instead being deactivated.
System options
System options are settings that are used by the administrators to customize the ERP system. The...
Create new system option
This action requires the "create system option" permission. A new option can be created by acce...
Update existing system option
This action requires the "update system option" permission. To update an existing system option,...
Delete system option
This action requires the "delete system option" permission. To delete a system option, use the c...
Rebook matrix
An interface for managing ERP product rebookability.
Request promo
A page to create a promotional material order.
Print signers
Print signers are users, who are responsible for signing certain documents. The "print signers"...
Create new print signer
This action requires the "create print signer" permission. New print signers can be created thro...
Update existing print signer
This action requires the "update print signer" permission. Past signers cannot be edited. Signer...
Delete print signer
This action requires the "delete print signer" permission. Print signers, who are no longer acti...