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Create new event action

This action requires the "create event action" permission.

To add a new event action, navigate to the "Add new action" form, by pressing the "+" button in the top right corner above the table.

Event actions should (at current time) only be added by administrators with access to the code base, as a class names with full path are mandatory when creating a new event action and that information is only available to developers.


On the form, once all a name, full class names and required arguments have been entered, the three top switches should be toggled on/off.

  • Enabled:
    •  An event action can be either activated or not. Deactivated event actions will never run.
  • Fail in error: 
    • When this option is toggled on, any error that appears when running the event action, will cause the action to stop and report an error. If notify option is toggled on, the error will be emailed to the development team.
  • Notify on error:
    • When this option is toggled on, whenever the event action runs and encounters an error, an email is sent to the development team to inform them of a failure when performing the event action.