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20 total results found
My Tasks
The "My tasks" section shows a table of tasks, assigned to you. You can also use the search on the right top side of the table to search for specific tasks in the table. Next tot search is also the refresh tasks section button. You can press the start butto...
Employee documents
This section contains a file manager view, that contains documents, that pertaining, the logged-in user, that you may see. Here you can manage (move, upload, download and delete) all of these documents. The file manager shows, on the left, a tree of your ...
Access & authorization
Users are mainly granted access through permissions, roles (groups of permissions) or with specific authorizations. Permissions Users are granted access primarily through permissions. Permissions control access of most aspects of the ERP system, which inc...
Create new serials
This actions required the "create serial" permissions. Adding a new serial through the ERP is usually not necessary, as new TBD serials are automaticaly generated for work orders and can simply be renamed. Serials can be added via the ERP "Add new serial num...
File uploader
Update existing document
This action requires the "update documents" permission. On the edit page, document's name and description can be edited, while the table name is not. Users can add new and remove existing document types and edit the document type's description and numberi...
Create new document type
This action requires the "create document type" permission. Creating a new document type requires no special procedures. When on document types' table view, click the "Add new" button to open the "Add new form". While filling out the form, select a documen...
Create scheduled job
This task should be done only by developer administrators. To create a new scheduled job, you must click on the "+" icon on the top right corner. You will be redirected to the "Create new scheduled job form" Scheduled jobs are commands, that are run in the s...
Create new system option
This action requires the "create system option" permission. A new option can be created by accessing the creation form on the system options page through the "Create new" button. You get redirected to the creation form page, where you can input required i...
Create new print signer
This action requires the "create print signer" permission. New print signers can be created through the Create new print signer form. There can be only one print signer of a document type's template active at any given time. The selected "Signer" can be ...
Create new holiday
This action requires the "create holiday" permission. New holiday entries can be added through the "Create new holiday" form, which can be found above the "holidays" table or directly "here". When adding a new holiday, the only information needed are the h...
Create new goods receipt
This action requires the "update work order" and "create goods receipt" permissions. New goods receipts are not created with a "create" form. Instead, creation of goods receipts is done from the work order's details page. To create a goods receipt, open a w...
Create new goods transfer
Create new goods writeoff
Create new goods rebook
Create new warehouse
This action requires the "create warehouse" permission. New warehouses can be created in the "Create new warehouse" form, that can be accessed here, or by clicking the "+" button above the "Warehouses" table. Basic information The create form requires t...
Update existing country
This action requires the "Update countries" permission. Most information regarding countries is automatically added when a new ERP instance is created. All of this information, however, can be updated later if necessary. Information of countries in ERP inc...
Create a new tag
New tags can be added through the "Create new tag" form or with the "Tag editor" tool. Create form Above the "Tags" table, the "+" button redirects to the "Create new tag" form . On this form, the only necessary information are name (the actual display n...
Create a new announcement
This action requires the "create announcement" permission. To create a new announcement, you have to click on the "+" button on the right, above the announcements table. This redirects you to the "Add new announcement form". The actual body of the announce...
Create new event action
This action requires the "create event action" permission. To add a new event action, navigate to the "Add new action" form, by pressing the "+" button in the top right corner above the table. Event actions should only be added by administrators with acces...