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Access & authorization

Users are mainly granted access through permissions, roles (groups of permissions) or with specific authorizations.



Users are granted access primarily through permissions.

Permissions control access of most aspects of the ERP system, which include what pages can be visited, what types of entries can be viewed / deleted / created, which links are displayed in the menu...


Regular permissions provide complete access, while permissions with the "authorized" suffix grant limited access only to authorized content.

Main types of permissions, that exist for each table, are Create, View, Update, Delete, and Menu.


Roles are primarily used to group permissions, that are often assigned together under a single name to ease access management.


They can also be used in an informational manner, to essentially "tag"  a user as  for example, an employee or a shop customer. Roles can be assigned directly onto users or to their active work positions, defined within the HR module.