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Create goods transfer

Using this form, users with access can create a goods transfer for single work order items. All fields on this view are required.

First, a movement type has to be selected. Available options are:

  • 301,301, Transfer goods between locations
  • 302,302, Reserve goods for work order
  • 303,303, Unreserve goods from work order
  • 304,304, Take over work order goods
  • 305,305, Finishing
  • 306, Lot adjustment

Next, a work order item to perform transfer on has to be selected. Items are searched by work order document numbers. 

Options are displayed in a semicolon-separated format:                                                                   WORK_ORDER_DOCUMENT_NUMBER: ITEM_ID: PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME: WORK_ORDER_ITEM_QUANTITY


Under the Items section, a product has to be selected. Available options are products on selected work order item (usually only one). With the product selected, all that's left is to select from which warehouse location to which warehouse location the product will transfer and how much of that item (quantity) will be transfered.

Once all required information is filled out, a goods transfer can be created by clicking the 'Create goods transfer' button.