The HR dashboard is an HR-only page that lists all employees and their work time events for the current month.
Here, HR managers can view holidays, employee arrivals and departures, their business trips, sick leaves, vacation and other events that pertain to their work time.
If any of the rows has a red background, that means some events in that row have errors that need to be fixed before the end of the month.
Every icon in the table represents an hr event of the employee, whose row it is:
🚪 |
Check-in/out registration | - |
✅ |
OK | - |
❌ |
Missing registration | - |
❓ |
Missing end/start registration | - |
⛔ |
Declined request | - |
🔍 |
Waiting for approval | - |
🎄 |
Holiday | - |
🌞 |
Vacation | - |
🚑 |
Sick leave | - |
🚑 |
Sick leave without EBOL | - |
🚗️ |
Business trip | - |
🚗️ |
Business trip (in progress) | - |
🏢 |
Work on location | - |
⌚ |
Overtime request | - |
* |
An unhandled event |
- |
HR events also differ in their background colors:
Regular event | - |
Approved request | - |
Pending request | - |
Declined request | - |