How SKUs are generated
Every product can have only one SKU and every SKU has to be unique. Duplicateuplicates are not supported.
The SKU prefix is generated from two pieces of information. The first letter is taken from the selected product type, while the remaining two letters are determined by selected product classification.
.0000000 |
The middle of the SKU is always a 7-digit number that denotes, which consecutive product with this prefix it is.
.000 |
The SKU suffix is the revision number. If a revision number is not defined, the default is always set to 000.
Example: MME.0038447.11B
In this example, the prefix MME stands for Materials, Metal (M - Materials, ME - Metal), the number 0038447 means, that this is the 38447th MME product and the suffix 11B means that the product revision is 11B.