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Create a new role

To create a new role, click the "+" button above the "Roles" table, to navigate to the "Create new authorization role" form.


On the form, fill out the required fields and click save to add a new role.


  • Name
    • textSelect a descriptive name for the role (eg. a work position, like Department Lead)
  • Slug
    • textIs used to identify the role throughout the ERP. Is usually formatted role name (eg. department-lead
  • Level
    • text/
  • Description
    • testIs not required, but it's highly encouraged that it be added. Used to further explain the roles purpose.
  • Permissions
    • textSelect, which permissions are attached to this role.
  • Users
    • textYou can list users, that will have this role here, and it will be assigned to them automatically after role is created.