Updating booking date on goods writeoffs
This can only be done by users with permission to update goods writeoffs.
To update booking date on goods writeoff, click the "calendar" icon in the "booking date" field.
A calendar will appear, that provides an easy way to set a new date. Once the booking date has been updated, save the goods writeoff.
If you get an error, refer to the section below.
If you get an error like the one below, after saving the goods writeoff, that means that there are transactions on the serial(s), connected to the goods writeoff item(s).
Cannot change date booked to 2024-03-29 00:00:00. Transactions exists after that date.
When transactions after the new booking date exist, that means those transactions have to be updated as well.
To find all (serial) transactions after the new booking date, go to the page of the serial, present on goods writeoff item, and open the "stock transactions" section. Here, check the "show transfers" checkbox. Transactions are sorted by the "created at" field.
Look through the transactions and open goods transfers (GTR), created after the new goods writeoff booking date.
Open every goods transfer, that was made after the new goods writeoff booking date and update their "booking date" field to the new booking date.
Once all goods transfers have new dates that are not set after the new writeoff date, update the date on the writeoff ans save again.