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Users are the core of the ERP system. All non-system actions and tasks are performed by users with proper permissions.
Create a new user
New ERP users should only be created by users with administrative or HR authorizations. To create a new user, click the "+" button in the top right corner above the table. You will be redirected to the "Add new user" form "
Update an existing user
Users should only be edited by administrators or members of the HR department with proper permissions. Updating the user is done by finding the user in the "Users" table and its clicking "Edit" icon. This redirects you to the user's edit page, where you ca...
Delete user(s)
Users can be deleted by administrator users with the proper permissions.
Roles are used in the ERP system to determine user's role in the company. Roles are used to group sets of permissions, that are required for performing a task or general ERP use.
Create a new role
To create a new role, click the "+" button above the "Roles" table, to navigate to the "Create new authorization role" form. On the form, fill out the required fields and click save to add a new role. Name Select a descriptive name for the role (eg....
Update an existing role
Roles should be updated only be people, who know their purpose, as deleting a role that is required for a certain tasks will stop users form performing those tasks. To edit an existing role, find it in the roles table and click on its "Edit" button. On the...
Delete role(s)
Roles should only be deleted by people, who understand the role's purpose and know it's uses. To delete a role, find it in the "Roles" table and tick its checkbox. Then click and confirm the "Trash" button, that appears above the table.
Permissions are used to limit and provide access for users within the ERP system. TIP: Permissions can be assigned onto roles or onto users directly, although this is discouraged, as roles provide easier trackability of what user has what permissions.. š
Create a new permission
To create a new permission, navigate to the "Add new authorization permission" form by clicking the "+" button in the top right above the table or by visiting the "Add new permission form" directly. When creating a new permission, a unique name is required,...
Update an existing permission
Permissions should be updated only be people, who know their purpose, as permissions are used to grant access to a parts of the ERP . To edit an existing permission, find it in the permissions table and click on its "Edit" button. On the permission's page...
Delete permission(s)
Permissions should only be deleted by people, who understand their purpose and know the permission's uses. To delete a permission, find it in the "Permissions" table and tick its checkbox. Then click and confirm the "Trash" button, that appears above the tabl...
HR troubleshooting
Before the end of the month, HR has to look over everyone's work time for the current month and alert leads of employees whose work times show errors. While most employees won't show as problematic, sometimes errors will appear that users cannot fix on their ...
HR troubleshooting: Sick leave
HR troubleshooting: Business trip
When a process in the Process Manager is set to storno, the attendance request in HR dashboard has to be manually deleted. The attendance request has to be deleted in HR dashboard. To delete the problematic business trip attendance request, find the red ca...
HR troubleshooting: Registrations
The HR dashboard is an HR-only page that lists all employees and their work time events for the current month. Here, HR managers can view the current month's arrivals/departures, business trips, holidays, sick leaves, vacation and other events of every empl...
Locking Inventory period
This action can only be performed by users with proper authorization. Inventory periods define a period of time in which you can post changes to inventory. An inventory period is defined by the date on which it ends, or the ending date. When you close an in...
Can't login
Having trouble logging in? Below are listed a few troubleshooting steps that you can do on your own. 1. Check your password and email spelling Sometimes we type and without knowing press the wrong key. Make sure that you the credentials you have inputted, a...
Cancel goods receipt: fixed assets
This action requires the "cancel goods receipt" permissions. At times, fixed assets that were already received and booked, need to be reassigned to a different asset. On these occasions, the old goods receipt must not be deleted, but instead "Canceled" To...