Create a new announcement
This action requires the "Create announcement" permission.
To create a new announcement, you have to click on the "+" button on the right, above the announcements table. This redirects you to the "Add new announcement form".
The actual contentbody of the announcement is added in the "Description" field, which iscan editablebe throughedited anwith the integrated text editor.
When creating a new announcement, therethe arefirst some specificsthing to keepadd inis mind.the announcement's title.
The "author" fields are not required. If neither "Author" pr "Custom author" are not added, the name of the person who created the announcement will be shown instead.
In theserare cases, thatwhen personthe announcement author does not have an account, the author's full name can be written into the "Custom author" field.
If the announcement is translated, the translator should be credited. The translator can be selected from a list of all users under "Author" field. In the raredrop-down case,menu. when the author of the announcement is not a company member, the field "Custom author" can be used to add the author's full name.
Set visibility and "Custom author" fields are filled out, the custom author field takes precedence over the author field and author field will not be shown.publish

Once a newthe announcement is finished, it will only appear, when the "Published" is switched to true."Yes". To show the announcement on the ERP'sERP dashboard, the "Show in ERP" toggle must also be switchedset on.
to "Yes".

When "Ignore on new category" toggle is switchedset on,to "Yes", the new announcement will not appear in the "NEW" category on ERP'sERP dashboard. When "Exposed"Exposed" toggle is switchedset on,to "Yes", a published announcement will appear centered, in the NEW category.category as the big, centered announcement.
If you want to notify users ofabout athe new announcementannouncement, beingswitch published through the newsletter, the "Notify" toggleto must be switched on."Yes".
To define when an announcement should be visible, it is also necessary to addLastly, a date range,has to be defined, from whenwhich to whenforward the announcement shouldwill be visible. At least the "Date from" field must be added. If the "Date through" is also added, the announcement will be hidden after that date has passed.

Adding announcement tags

Adding the announcement avatar
Once the announcement is created, the avatar image can be added.
Upload the avatar photo into the announcement's file manager. Once the image is uploaded, select it and click the "Set as avatar" button. The selected photo will be set as the avatar and shown in the dashboard newsletter.

to "Yes".