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Unreservation of material

Example uses DNC-02264-2020

On work order's page in ERP we click the "Barcode card" button under work order's document number.


This opens a modal, that can be used with the barcode scanner. For unreservation of material

we click the "Unreserve" button.


Clicking the "Unreserve" button creates a unreservation task. You get automatically redirected to that task.


On the task page, we fill out all the necessary data: 

  • First, we select the product, we want to unreserve from the work order.
  • Then, we  enter the quantity (amount of) this product that we want to unreserve.
  • Lastly, we select the warehouse location , where the product will be transfered after unreservation.

TIP: All of these fields can be filled by clicking on the data in the table under the "Material on work order item" heading.


Once all the necessary fields are filled out, click/scan the "Add" button. This will add the product to the unreservation list.


To finish the unreservation task, we click the "Unreserve and remove from work order item bom" button. This will perform physical unreservation of all material that is on the unreservation list and remove it from the work order.