Human Resources
Setting up new work equipment
1 - Add safety standards This action requires the "create safety standard" permission. If it do...
How to assign voucher value to employee
Open HR profile of the user and set voucher value: Save HR profile.
Salary export
Holidays for late employees When employees are hired in the middle of the month, we should not i...
How to assign voucher value to partners
Open page of the partner and set voucher value in "credit amount" field: Save Partner.
Workflow approvals
Performance reviews
Attendance event type categories
Attendance event types
Attendance events
Attendance requests
HR departments
Work positions
Assign user to work positions
Approver substitution
Work locations
User HR profiles
HR dashboard
The HR dashboard is an HR-only page that lists all employees and their work time events for the c...
HR troubleshooting
Before the end of the month, HR has to look over everyone's work time for the current month and a...
HR troubleshooting: Sick leave
HR troubleshooting: Business trip
When a process in the Process Manager is set to storno, the attendance request in HR dashboard ha...
HR troubleshooting: Registrations
HR reporting
HR hierarchy
Rewards and bonuses
Job applications
HR superadmin
Vacations - Dopusti
Za tiste, ki pridejo med letom in imajo zaposlitev za določen čas, sistem izračuna sorazmerni del...