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398 total results found
Update existing country
This action requires the "Update countries" permission. Most information regarding countries is automatically added when a new ERP instance is created. All of this information, however, can be updated later if necessary. Information of countries in ERP inc...
Regions are used to streamline operations and manage processes across multiple countries with shared characteristics. They simplify tax configurations and compliance for areas with common rules, such as the European Union, and support aggregated reporting for...
Attendance registration
Employees can register attendance in different ways. The simplest was is for employees to have automatic registrations set up in their User HR profiles, where registrations are automatically generated on a daily basis, at set times. The second way is to reg...
Create work equipment
Submitting a new attendance request
Vacations - Dopusti
Za tiste, ki pridejo med letom in imajo zaposlitev za določen čas, sistem izračuna sorazmerni del dopusta za koršiščenje. Če se zaposlitev za določen čas ne začne na 1. v mesecu, se za tisti mesec sorazmerni del ne upošteva (za izračun sorazmernega deleža se...