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Delete goods transfer
Goods transfers can be deleted by users with proper authorizations. Goods transfers cannot be de...
Update existing goods transfer
Goods transfers should generally not be edited/updated, because their data is directly tied to st...
Create new goods transfer
Goods transfers provide an easy way to transfer products (goods) between warehouses and warehouse...
Update existing goods receipt
This action requires the "update goods receipt" permission. Goods receipts should generally not ...
Create new goods receipt
This action requires the "update work order" and "create goods receipt" permissions. New goods r...
Cancel goods receipt
This action requires the "cancel goods receipt" permission. Goods receipt cannot be deleted dire...
Delete goods receipt
This action requires the "delete goods receipt" permission. Goods receipt cannot be deleted dire...
Cancel goods receipt: fixed assets
This action requires the "cancel goods receipt" permissions. At times, fixed assets that were al...
Goods receipts are primarily used to "receive" materials into stock. Goods receipts are used for...
Delete print signer
This action requires the "delete print signer" permission. Print signers, who are no longer acti...
Update existing print signer
This action requires the "update print signer" permission. Past signers cannot be edited. Signer...
Print signers are users, who are responsible for signing certain documents. The "print signers"...
Create new print signer
This action requires the "create print signer" permission. New print signers can be created thro...
Delete system option
This action requires the "delete system option" permission. To delete a system option, use the c...
Update existing system option
This action requires the "update system option" permission. To update an existing system option,...
Create new system option
This action requires the "create system option" permission. A new option can be created by acce...
System options are settings that are used by the administrators to customize the ERP system. The...
Delete event action
Existing event action should never be deleted, instead being deactivated.
Update existing event action
Existing event actions should currently never be updated by anyone else but the developers. When ...